Assignment Two


First step was to use Fusion 360 to slice up a model of the Ferrari into a number of cross sections. We then laser cut MDF sheets into the slices needed to put together a mould of the car. Finally we covered it in tape in order to highlight the contours of the mould.


After creating the mould we then divided the vehicle into separate parts we figured would be easier to make. I was given the left rear quarter panel and the back to do. 

Left Rear Quarter Panel

Firstly I started by cutting out a paper template of the rear quarter panel shape. 

After that I traced out the shape onto a sheet of aluminium which I then cut out. Making sure to leave excess material so as to leave room for error.

Once I had the shape cut out, in order to make it I mainly used a sandbag and a Nylon Mallet to get the general shape of the object.

I then used a dolly to get a nice curve on the shape and create a consistent face.

After I had the general shape I used a metal headed hammer to clean up the edges of the part and lightly hit out some of the random indents.

In order to further clean the edges I used a rasp and lightly went around the outside of the piece.

Throughout the process I made sure to continuously reference the model so as to keep the piece consistent with the general body of the car, as well as the other pieces of my group members.

Finally, once I was happy with the piece and felt it fit the model, images of the car and my group members parts, I proceeded to sand the piece so as to give it a nicer finish.

The Back

In order to do the back I simply cut out a rectangular piece, used the English wheel to curve it to the shape of the car and then trimmed and bent it to the right shape of the back. 

My Final Part



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